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Book Signing


Barnes and Noble

Book signing in Chestnut Hill!

Guest Author for 

Dr. Suess Day at Kol Ami


Book Signing

at the

Abington Library

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Book Signing at the Progressive  Baptist Convention


Reaching 750 students with positive self-esteem through my book I Love Me!

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Helping Hands





Charlene believes in the saying Each One Reach One. She has tried to create an atmosphere of helping others in need. This year she had the privilege of overseeing a Blanket for Preemies Project. In honor of "KD", 90 volunteers of which 80 of them were kindergarteners and first graders came together to make over 60 beautiful blankets for the NICU.

This fall Charlene will be joining forces with the Salvation Army and several volunteers for another Helping Hands Project.  This project is called  Warmth for Winter.  Parents, teachers, and volunteers will collect at least 50 pairs of gloves and hats for homeless and needy children.  The volunteers will then make 50 matching scarves.  If you would like to help or donate please contact her through the  contacts page.



Have you helped someone today?

© 2017 by Charlene Crawford

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